Learn some new skills. In this school we teach our community members programming, parametric design and modern manufacturing techniques. Check out our courses and find the ones that You find interesting.
We teach courses in TypeScript, Rete and Blockly editors. Pick your flavor and start learning. We advise beginners who do not understand programming to pick Rete, then grow into Blockly and progress to TypeScript. That is the most natural flow.
In our school you learn programming & design by using easy, custom made web applications, which allow to compose algorithms into 3D models. Watch your code grow and make an impact. Design parametric real world objects by learning from the authors who also happen to be programmers building this very practical tool.
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Use our parametric 3D programming editors that we have built to easily create 3D environments, interactions and objects on the browser.
Many of our courses allow you to produce the designs. We believe that manufacturing artistic designs triggers positive response cycle in the learning brain and allows course material to stick for a longer time.
Tangible nature of the produced objects allows our students to experience the joy of creation and see that coding can have a direct impact on their physical surroundings.