This is legally binding
These Terms and Conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) are a contract between you, the user, and MB "Bit by bit developers", a limited liability company with its place of business at Valonų g. 32A, LT-11330 Vilnius, Lithuania. MB "Bit by bit developers" is operating the (the "Bit by bit developers Platform") site with all its subdomains and provides services allowing users to create, share and remix projects containing scripts and various assets. By using Bit by bit developers Platform and any of the services that you can find under our Platform (collectively the "Service" or "Services") you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions or some of the parts of this contract you can not use Bit by bit developers Platform, services or products that we provide. IF YOU VIOLATE ANY OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BELOW, YOUR RIGHT TO USE THE PLATFORM, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES WILL BE TERMINATED TOGETHER WITH YOUR ACCOUNT AND ALL OF THE DATA UNDER YOUR ACCOUNT. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions you also agree to use the Bit by bit developers Platform, services and products at your own risk. MB "Bit by bit developers" reserves the right to refuse service, products or access to the Platform to anyone at any time for any reason.Simple Explanation
This document is needed for us to be able to operate the business and protect you, other users and ourselves. You agree to everything that is written in this document and if you do not agree you can not use Bit by bit developers Platform.Account
This is legally binding
You must agree to these Terms and Conditions and provide MB "Bit by bit developers" with all required information during the registration in order to create an Account. You are responsible to keep your Account and password safe. MB "Bit by bit developers" can not be held liable for any damages arising from your inability to fulfil this obligation. You also must update the information about yourself when it changes. You are responsible for all of the projects, scripts, code, assets, comments, graphics or text (Content) that you post on Bit by bit developers Platform. You are responsible for any activity coming from your Account. This also applies to activity arising from situations when others use your Account. All the information that comes from your Account is subject to MB "Bit by bit developers" Privacy Policy. One Account must be maintained by one person or legal entity. Accounts can not be created and operated by automated methods. "Bots" are not allowed.Simple explanation
You are fully responsible for your own account. If your account gets hacked or otherwise compromised we will do our best to help, but there is no way we can guarantee to fix the damages such an event can cause.Expression
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You can not use any harsh language towards other community members, no swearing, bullying, harassment, discrimination are allowed on any part of our Platform. You can't post offensive or otherwise disturbing Content that would hurt others. If you publish projects to others you are held responsible for all the Content in that project, including but not limited to titles, descriptions, assets and models produced. If you will not respect these terms we have the right to remove your projects and block you from accessing our Platform. In no such event we will be held liable for the loss of data or other damages that this may cause you.Simple explanation
Be nice to others and others will be nice to you.Our License to you to use our Platform
This is legally binding
MB "Bit by bit developers" grants you individual private access to our site and provides non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use Bit by bit developers Platform for your internal purposes. You can not transfer the right to use our Platform to third parties. You can not interpret these Terms and Conditions as allowing such transfer to happen. You can not build products that look and feel like Bit by bit developers Platform. All of the rights to this Platform are held by MB "Bit by bit developers" company and its licensors. You can not modify or create derivative works based on Bit by bit developers Platform. It is forbidden to reverse engineering parts of the code that are not open-sourced to make competing products that copy features of our Platform. You acknowledge that all the rights, interest and title to Bit by bit developers Platform, including all intellectual property rights are owned by MB "Bit by bit developers" company.Simple explanation
Do not copy Bit by bit developers Platform.Your License to us
This is legally binding
When you publish your projects you grant MB "Bit by bit developers" and other users a worldwide royalty-free non-exclusive rights to all of the Content therein. All projects, scripts and assets shared in public, silver community & gold community spaces fall under MIT license. If you reverse your once public project back to private it still remains under MIT license as people may have used your scripts and remixed code in their own projects. If you remove once public project from your account you will no longer be considered an author of that project and other users keep the right to use your once public project under the same MIT License. We can not track which versions of those projects you have shared nor protect you from copyright infringement. While our "Private" project status guarantees your project is only visible to you, we can not be held liable if others get access to your private project by your own mistake. We can not physically track all state changes of the projects, their scripts, assets and visibility changes that you put them through. If you don't want to share your projects consider keeping projects private all the time and never change their visibility status. This will limit the chance of copyright infringement to the minimum. If you will share your projects with specific users of our platform or open them up in other ways than described here, the same MIT license model applies. Your private projects are your responsibility to protect. In no event can we be held liable for the loss of data or damages caused by the leak of your project information. If you want complete security consider saving scripts to your local machine and protect them yourself.Simple explanation
All of your public and community projects with associated data fall under MIT License MIT license. Other people can use your work for any purpose as long as their work falls under MIT license. Keep projects private to be able to apply your own individual license.Use of your published Content
This is legally binding
When you make your projects public, accessible to silver community or gold community members other users and MB "Bit by bit developers" company and its licensors gain the right to use, distribute and publish all of your Content in that project on other services and media, subject to our Terms and Conditions. You agree that you will not be paid or otherwise compensated for such Content and everyone can copy, remix, post, submit, transmit and use your work freely. MB "Bit by bit developers" keeps the right to use your work for commercial advertisements of the Platform and other purposes. If you delete such projects or make private - no third party, including but not limited to users of the platform and MB "Bit by bit developers" company itself will delete or make unavailable any of the Content related to such project that was posted, published or embedded in other people's Content.Simple explanation
Other people and users of Bit by bit developers platform can copy and remix your public work free of charge. We also reserve the right to publish your work in various contexts and media for commercial and non-commercial use.Modifications of your published Content
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MB "Bit by bit developers" keeps the right to change and adapt your published Content in order to adapt it to requirements or limitations of other platforms, media or services.Simple explanation
We can adapt and change your publically available Content when using it for our own purposes.Harmful Content
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You can only upload the Content to Bit by bit developers Platform that you own or have the right to use and expose through our Platform via the MIT License as described above. You agree that you have not and will not create, upload or otherwise contribute Content which does the following:- Violates the trademark or copyright of another party.
- Reveals trade secrets in any form. Unless you own them or have the owners permission to disclose them.
- Infringes on intellectual property rights of others.
- Infringes on privacy or publicity rights of others.
- Is harassing, hateful, offensive, disturbing, abusive, pornographic or threatening.
- Violates any law or any right of a third party.
- Is not correct, deceptive or otherwise misleading and you are aware of that.
- Impersonates others.
- Revelas personally identifiable information of others without their express permission and authorization.
- Contains or links to trojan horses, worms, time bombs, virus or programmed routines, engines or software that can damage computer systems, leak information, detrimentally interfere, intercept, expose and otherwise corrupt data or systems.
Simple explanation
We do not allow you to create, upload or share harmful Content on our platform. Be nice.Your are responsible for your own Content
This is legally binding
You agree that by using Bit by bit developers Platform you are fully responsible for all the Content you create and share. If derivative Content of other users or third parties infringe on the rights of other people or businesses due to your original Content being incompatible with these Terms and Conditions you are also held responsible for damages. You also agree and understand that others can republish your publically accessible work or use it in ways which may expose you to be liable for possible damages. If you do not have the rights to the Content you make publically available on our Platform you are held responsible for all the consequences related to that.Simple explanation
Be nice, do not do bad things via our Platform, share Content that you own. You are personally liable for all consequences of bad behaviour.Asset download URL links are public
This is legally binding
To make sharing of Assets easy we generate Asset download URL links containing tokens that are hard to guess, but can be shared by users and have public read access. People gaining access to these links can download your Assets. This also applies to Assets in private projects. If you do not share these links the chance of leaking Asset files is reduced to the minimum, but we do not guarantee this will not happen. As a rule of thumb you should not upload sensitive information in the form of Assets to our servers that you must keep totally private. If you did upload an Asset file and you think that download URL link to that Asset file was exposed, compromised or guessed by third parties you can remove an Asset and upload a new one. This way old links will be removed and new random token for the fille issued. We then will generate a new access link that will not be known to others as long as you keep it to yourself. In no event can we be held liable for the loss of sensitive information via asset files.Simple explanation
Everyone can download your Asset files if they have the download URL. This also applies to your private projects. Asset download URL links of private projects are hard to guess. As long as you do not share Asset download URL links the chance of someone accidentally guessing the URL is minimal, but does exist. Do not upload sensitive information in Asset files.Rules for Assets
This is legally binding
You may only upload Asset files that obey all of the Content limitations expressed in the Terms and Conditions. Your assets can not infringe on any third party rights. Your Asset files must also be related to the things that you can do on Bit by bit developers Platform. As a rule of thumb your Asset files must be actively used and referenced in the Scripts of your Project that contains the Assets. You also are responsible to scan asset files and keep them clean of viruses or other malicious software before you upload them to Bit by bit developers Platform. You can upload 3D models or data that is actively used in your Scripts. You can not use Asset file storage to store data that is not related to the projects and is not referenced in your scripts, including but not limited to movies, photos, music, your personal documents.Simple explanation
Use Asset file storage only for things that relate to features of Bit by bit developers Platform.3D Models
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Configuration and Creation of 3D Models:
By using our platform and services, you are granted the ability to configure and create ready-made 3D models through various means. This includes utilizing pre-designed components available in the "Things" category on our editors and utilizing simple 3D web configurators found under the "3D Models" tab.
Licensing of 3D Models:
Please note that the output of these components and configurators results in the creation of various 3D models, which are subject to Creative Commons licensing terms. It is important to be aware that these licensing terms are distinct from the MIT licensing that applies to scripts generated on our public projects.
Usage Restrictions:
Scripts incorporating these 3D models will only function for users who possess relevant subscription plans. If your scripts incorporate components that are exclusively available to Silver or Gold plan subscribers, you are prohibited from publicly sharing these scripts with internet users at large.
Availability of 3D Models:
Access to and usage of the produced 3D models is contingent upon the user's subscribed plan. While we endeavor to implement our regulations through code, it is possible for users to find ways to circumvent the rules outlined herein. However, this does not absolve you of your responsibility to adhere to these Terms and Conditions.
- 3D models shared for free fall under CC BY-NC 4.0 license. This means that you can use these Assets freely for non-commercial uses with attribution. In case you want to use these assets for commercial purposes, you must be an active subscriber to our Silver or Gold plans.
- 3D models shared for Silver plan subscribers fall under CC BY 4.0 license and can not be used by users that have no subscription or have Free plan subscription. Both Gold and Silver plan subscribers can use these 3D models for commercial purposes as long as they attribute us as the author.
- 3D models shared for Gold plan subscribers fall under CC BY 4.0 license and can not be used by users that have no subscription or have active Free or Silver plan subscription. Only Gold plan subscribers can use these assets for commercial purposes as long as they attribute us as the author.
Simple explanation
If you want to use 3D models, follow Creative Commons licenses that apply. If you want to use our models for commercial purposes, you must be an active subscriber to our Silver or Gold plans.Your responsibilities
This is legally binding
You agree that all the information you provide us with during the registration and when using the Platform and services is correct, accurate, current, true and complete. You also agree to maintain and update such information when it changes.Simple explanation
Always provide us with correct information.Strictly forbidden
This is legally binding
- Hacking Bit by bit developers Platform or any other third party.
- Phishing or in other ways trying to access login data or passwords of others.
- Impersonating other users or third parties.
- Manipulating or stealing identity information through cookies, headers, tokens or other parts of the Platform infrastructure that would give you or anyone else access to otherwise inaccessible parts of the Platform or would allow you or others to go beyond provided quotas related to the purchased Account plans.
- Breach rights of others, including but not limited to intellectual property rights.
- Use of services for Content other than CAD modelling, data visualization, creative coding, gaming.
- Uploading Asset files that are not used in your Scripts or otherwise related to your Projects.
- Do not promote or advertise things without permission of owners of those products, do not spam, flood our servers with automatically generated material, no form of junk mail is allowed.
- Promotion or distribution of conspiracy theories, pyramid schemes or any other material which may cause damage to others.
- Building automated scripts, software, hardware devices or other means that would allow "crawling" through the Contents of Bit by bit developers Platform in order to collect information or any other purpose.
- Attack any part of Bit by bit developers Platform infrastructure or the infrastructure of our cloud providers in order to disturb the service, networks, incur additional costs or cause other damage.
- Collecting personal information of others.
- Imply in any way that we endorse you, the Content which you share, or opinions that you express.
- Use Bit by bit developers Platform for any illegal activity or make us associated with such activity.
- Violate any of your local laws that may exist in your region.
- No form of discrimination is allowed on the Platform, including but not limited to discrimination by race, gender, sexual orientation, age or geography.
- No form of bullying is allowed on the Platform.
Simple explanation
Behave nicely, use the Platform for its purpose, do not break the law.Our non-obligatory rights
This is legally binding
- We have the right at any time to remove or refuse to host any Content on our Platform.
- We have the right to remove any users and all their data, terminate their accounts and reclaim usernames.
- We have the right to preserve, access and read any part of the Content that you create or upload on our Platform and disclose any part of it that we think is necessary in these situations:
- When we try to protect our users, ourselves, MB "Bit by bit developers" company or others.
- When the government requests such information.
- When trying to satisfy any legal process, regulation or law.
- When we need to enforce these Terms and Conditions and we think you violate them.
- When we get reports from other users or third parties which think you are violating these Terms and Conditions.
- When we try to prevent security incidents, data leaks or other cases of fraud.
- When we investigate and address user support requests.
Simple explanation
We can investigate your Account and all of the Content you create. We can also lock or preserve that Content if it is required for various legal investigations. We have the right to disclose information to the government or law enforcement agencies if we are legally required to do so.Your feedback
This is legally binding
Whenever and wherever you provide us with suggestions, ideas to improve the Platform, report bugs, problems with the service or any other element related to the Bit by bit developers Platform you agree that we can use your feedback without compensation. By providing such feedback you grant us royalty-free worldwide non-exclusive license to exploit such feedback in any way we see fit.Simple explanation
We can use your feedback freely.Payments, refunds, upgrades and downgrades to your plan tiers
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Silver and Gold plans that are offered on Bit by bit developers Platform are paid monthly or yearly. Our payment system uses partner platform Stripe to process and manage payments. In order to do that we share information about you with Stripe. This happens only when you opt-in for our paid plans. Make sure you read and understand Stripe Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before you purchase our plans.Simple explanation
You pay via our partner Stripe. We share your information with them.Consequences for violating these Terms and Conditions
This is legally binding
You agree that MB "Bit by bit developers" has the legal right to prosecute and investigate any violations of these Terms and Conditions. MB "Bit by bit developers" can work together with law enforcement agencies and authorities in prosecuting users which violate the Terms and Conditions. You agree that we are not responsible for reviewing, tracking, monitoring or accepting the content that you upload and create on our Platform. You also agree that while we are not responsible we do have the right to do all of those things mentioned before. You also agree that MB "Bit by bit developers" can at any time remove any part of your Content that according to us violates these Terms and Conditions without giving you an official notice or a warning. You agree that you have no right to object if such action occurs.Simple explanation
If you violate the rules we can take legal action and delete everything that violates these rules without giving you a warning.Deleting your Account
This is legally binding
You can delete your account at any time by clicking on your profile picture, going to the Profile information page and clicking the 'Delete my Account' button. You will be asked to first remove all of the projects in an automated batch process. After all of your projects are deleted you will need to log out, login again, go to the same page and click Delete Account to finalize complete removal of your Account from our database. If for some reason you can not delete your account let us know on Mail us only from the email address with which you are registered on Bit by bit developers Platform.Simple explanation
You can delete your account with all of the data in it at any time.We have the right to terminate your Account
This is legally binding
You agree that MB "Bit by bit developers" has the right to delete your Account and all of the information therein.- If you breach these Terms and Conditions.
- If your bandwidth usage significantly exceeds that of the average user of Bit by bit developers Platform.
- If you upload Asset files that are not related to your Projects, Scripts or things that are allowed on Bit by bit developers Platform.
- If your Assets contain viruses or malicious software.
Simple explanation
Behave nicely, use our Platform for its purpose and everything will be fine, otherwise we will delete your Account and all of its data.Changes to pricing, plan tiers, quotas, features, our Platform and the Terms and Conditions
This is legally binding
MB "Bit by bit developers" reserves the full right for any reason at any time to temporarily or permanently stop or discontinue the Platform and our services. We have the right to do that for the whole Platform or parts of it. You agree that we can do that with or without notice and we will not be held liable for any damages that may occur in relation to such an event.Simple explanation
If we must stop our Platform we will stop it. We do not plan or want to do that, but this may happen and you have to take that risk in consideration.Ownership of the Content and Copyright
This is legally binding
You are the owner of the Content that you create or upload to our Platform. MB "Bit by bit developers" is the owner of the complete Bit by bit developers Platform. All intellectual property rights and copyright to our Platform belongs to MB "Bit by bit developers" company and its licensors. The Bit by bit developers Platform and services that we provide are protected by copyright and other laws of both Lithuania, European Union and foreign countries. There is nothing in Terms and Conditions that would imply that you have permission to use "Bit by bit developers" logo, name, domain names, style, code and other distinctive company features for your own purposes. You agree that all intellectual property rights to the Platform and services we provide are ours and you have no right to it. This includes but is not limited to our databases, patents, trade names and trademarks anywhere in the world. You acknowledge that you can not reproduce, copy, use or transfer any part of the Platform in whole or in part.Simple explanation
We hold all the rights to the Bit by bit developers Platform and you hold all the rights and responsibilities related to your Content.Inform us about Copyright infringement
This is legally binding
If you detect Content on Bit by bit developers Platform that infringes on your intellectual property rights or copyrights, let us know about it by email or post- Send us the link to the Content on Bit by bit developers Platform that you think infringes on your property rights so we could locate the source of the possible issue.
- Provide us with the statement which explains why you believe that the use of the Content is in violation of copyright laws or are not authorized by the original Content owner. Keep in mind that false allegations if disproved can cause penalty for perjury.
- Also provide us with assurance about the accuracy of the information you provide and the proof that you have permission to act on behalf of the owner or that you are the real owner of the original Content and copyright claim involved.
- In the letter you also need to provide your name, surname, telephone number, address, email address.
- Sign the letter digitally or physically.