Cloud Assets

Cloud Assets script details
Typescript logo image
App Version
Date Created
Jan 27, 2024, 7:15:57 AM
Last Edit Date
Jan 27, 2024, 9:57:34 AM

Script Details

The Code
const drawOptions = new Bit.Inputs.Draw.DrawOcctShapeSimpleOptions(); drawOptions.edgeWidth = 1; drawOptions.precision = 0.001; drawOptions.faceColour = "#ffffff"; const start = async () => { nonEssentials(); loadBoomBox(); loadCalmCup(); createGround(); } async function loadCalmCup() { const fileCalmCup = await bitbybit.asset.getFile({ fileName: "CalmCup.step" }); const calmCupShape = await{ assetFile: fileCalmCup, adjustZtoY: false, }); const scaledCalmCup = await bitbybit.occt.transforms.scale({ shape: calmCupShape, factor: 0.3, }); const transformedCalmCup = await bitbybit.occt.transforms.translate({ shape: scaledCalmCup, translation: [-2, 0, 0], }); await bitbybit.draw.drawAnyAsync({ entity: transformedCalmCup, options: drawOptions }); // It is a good practice to keep the memory of OCCT clean after you have constructed your drawn mesh. // Unless, of course, you will need some of these shapes in the future. bitbybit.occt.deleteShapes({ shapes: [ calmCupShape, scaledCalmCup, transformedCalmCup ] }) } async function loadBoomBox() { const fileBoomBox = await bitbybit.asset.getFile({ fileName: "BoomBox.glb" }); const boomboxMesh = await{ assetFile: fileBoomBox, hidden: false }); boomboxMesh.position.x = 2; } async function createGround() { const groundShape = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.face.createCircleFace({ radius: 7, center: [0, 0, 0], direction: [0, 1, 0] }); await bitbybit.draw.drawAnyAsync({ entity: groundShape, options: drawOptions }); bitbybit.occt.deleteShape({ shape: groundShape }) } function nonEssentials() { bitbybit.babylon.scene.useRightHandedSystem({ use: true }); const dirLightOptions = new Bit.Inputs.BabylonScene.DirectionalLightDto(); dirLightOptions.direction = [-100, -100, 100]; bitbybit.babylon.scene.drawDirectionalLight(dirLightOptions); const skyboxOptions = new Bit.Inputs.BabylonScene.SkyboxDto(); skyboxOptions.skybox = Bit.Inputs.Base.skyboxEnum.clearSky; bitbybit.babylon.scene.enableSkybox(skyboxOptions); } start();