Introduction To Programming 3D In TypeScript

We made this course for people interested in creating parametric geometry and 3D models in TypeScript programming language. Follow these lecture series to understand how things work and how to achieve your goals.

Made For Beginners
Image showing TypeScript coding editor

Some Inspiration

Before diving into details of programming in TypeScript lets first discuss what the possibilities are and go through some more advanced examples of 3D objects used in our website. Do not worry if they are not making too much sense now, they will later.

The Code

This is the code that you should copy and paste into the editor. You can also type it in yourself. The code is explained in the video.

const start = async () => { const birdhouseOptions = new Bit.Things.KidsCorner.BirdHouses.ChirpyChalet.ChirpyChaletDto(); birdhouseOptions.thickness = 1; birdhouseOptions.roofAngle = 45; const birdhouse1 = await bitbybit.things.kidsCorner.birdhouses.chirpyChalet.create(birdhouseOptions); birdhouseOptions.roofAngle = 20; birdhouseOptions.thickness = 0.4; birdhouseOptions.interiorHeight = 10; birdhouseOptions.origin = [10, 0, 0]; const birdhouse2 = await bitbybit.things.kidsCorner.birdhouses.chirpyChalet.create(birdhouseOptions); bitbybit.draw.drawAnyAsync({ entity: birdhouse1 }); bitbybit.draw.drawAnyAsync({ entity: birdhouse2 }); } start();
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Course lectures

These are all the lectures of the course. Navigate freely between them by clicking.

Approximate Time Required: 171 minutes