The Orb

The Orb script details
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Date Created
Nov 7, 2023, 2:58:30 PM
Last Edit Date
Dec 5, 2023, 2:07:59 PM

Script Details

The Code
const scene = bitbybit.babylon.scene.getScene(); const pipeline = scene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.supportedPipelines.find(s => === "default"); if (!pipeline) { var defaultPipeline = new BABYLON.DefaultRenderingPipeline("default", true, scene, [scene.activeCamera]); defaultPipeline.bloomEnabled = true; defaultPipeline.fxaaEnabled = true; defaultPipeline.bloomWeight = 1; } const adjOpt = new Bit.Inputs.BabylonScene.CameraConfigurationDto(); adjOpt.position = [6, 0, -6]; adjOpt.lookAt = [0, 0, 0]; adjOpt.panningSensibility = 400; adjOpt.wheelPrecision = 3; bitbybit.babylon.scene.adjustActiveArcRotateCamera(adjOpt) type Point3 = Bit.Inputs.Base.Point3; const s1: Point3 = [1, 0, 0]; const s2: Point3 = [1, 0, 1]; const s3: Point3 = [-1, 0, 1]; const s4: Point3 = [-1, 0, -1]; const d1: Point3 = [2, 0.5, 0]; const d2: Point3 = [1.5, 0.5, 2]; const d3: Point3 = [-1, 0.6, 1.2]; const d4: Point3 = [-1.5, 0.3, -1.3]; const c1: Point3 = [3, 0, 0]; const c2: Point3 = [3.5, 0, 3]; const c3: Point3 = [-2, 0, 2.2]; const c4: Point3 = [-2.5, 0, -2.3]; let resolved = true; let lastWireMesh: BABYLON.Mesh[] = []; let lastInstances: BABYLON.InstancedMesh[] = []; let step1 = 0.0004; let step2 = -0.0008; let step3 = -0.0012; let step4 = -0.0016; let val1 = -1; let val2 = -3; let val3 = -2; let val4 = 1; const rotationVec = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0); const rotationPoint = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0); let rotation = 0.01; const optWireDraw = new Bit.Inputs.Draw.DrawOcctShapeOptions(); optWireDraw.precision = 0.04; optWireDraw.edgeWidth = 10; optWireDraw.edgeOpacity = 0.3; optWireDraw.edgeColour = "#ff44ff"; optWireDraw.drawFaces = false; const instanceEdgesColor = new BABYLON.Color4(1, 1, 1, 1) const nrDivisions = 70; const divideToPointsOptions = new Bit.Inputs.OCCT.DivideShapesDto<Bit.Inputs.OCCT.TopoDSWirePointer>(undefined, nrDivisions, true, false); let indexCounter = 0; bitbybit.time.registerRenderFunction(() => { if (indexCounter % 1000 === 0) { step1 *= -1 } if (indexCounter % 2500 === 0) { step2 *= -1 } if (indexCounter % 500 === 0) { step4 *= -1 } if (indexCounter % 1500 === 0) { step3 *= -1 } val1 += step1; val2 += step2; val3 += step3; val4 += step4; s1[1] = val1; s2[1] = val1; s3[1] = val1; s4[1] = val1; d1[1] = val4; d2[1] = val2; d3[1] = val4; d4[1] = val2; c1[1] = val3; c2[1] = -val1; c3[1] = val2; c4[1] = -val3; if (resolved) { start(); } indexCounter++; rotation += 0.001; }); async function start() { resolved = false; await bitbybit.occt.cleanAllCache(); const intDto: Bit.Inputs.OCCT.InterpolateWiresDto = { interpolations: [ { points: [s1, s2, s3, s4], periodic: true, tolerance: 0.1 }, { points: [d1, d2, d3, d4], periodic: true, tolerance: 0.1 }, { points: [c1, c2, c3, c4], periodic: true, tolerance: 0.1 } ], returnCompound: false } const wrs = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.wire.interpolateWires(intDto) as Bit.Inputs.OCCT.TopoDSWirePointer[]; divideToPointsOptions.shapes = wrs; const ptsOnWires = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.wire.divideWiresByParamsToPoints(divideToPointsOptions) const interpDto: Bit.Inputs.OCCT.InterpolateWiresDto = { interpolations: [], returnCompound: true }; const flipped = bitbybit.lists.flipLists({ list: ptsOnWires }); flipped.forEach((pw) => { interpDto.interpolations.push({ points: [], periodic: true, tolerance: 0.1 }); }); const wires = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.wire.interpolateWires(interpDto) as Bit.Inputs.OCCT.TopoDSCompoundPointer; const mesh = await bitbybit.draw.drawAnyAsync({ entity: wires, options: optWireDraw }); if (mesh) { mesh.rotateAround(rotationPoint, rotationVec, rotation); lastInstances.forEach(i => { i.dispose(); }); const children = mesh.getChildMeshes() as BABYLON.LinesMesh[]; const instance = children[0].createInstance("cool"); instance.enableEdgesRendering(); instance.edgesColor = instanceEdgesColor; instance.edgesWidth = 2; instance.rotateAround(rotationPoint, rotationVec, rotation); lastInstances = [instance]; if (lastWireMesh && lastWireMesh.length > 0) { lastWireMesh.forEach(s => { s.dispose(); }) } lastWireMesh.push(mesh); } await bitbybit.occt.deleteShapes({ shapes: [...wrs, wires] }) resolved = true; }