Export single STEP from multiple STEP assets

Export single STEP from multiple STEP assets script details
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Date Created
Nov 22, 2024, 11:22:41 AM
Last Edit Date
Nov 22, 2024, 1:33:27 PM

Script Details

The Code
let compoundShapeWithCover; let compoundShapeWithoutCover; let isCoverVisible = true; let coverMesh: BABYLON.Mesh; const shapesToCleanUp = []; const start = async () => { // This could also exist on Shopify's CDN const url = "https://ik.imagekit.io/bitbybit/prod/ik-seo/o/users%2FyVqNAFXmieX0iAkdP6wAz5BJ4X82%2Fprojects%2Fh3XNAbbSL5n6mYgPaGmk%2Fassets%2Fmultiaxis-xyz/multiaxis-xyz.step?alt=media&token=43232172-fef4-4eca-a31d-787f295761c7"; const stepFile = await bitbybit.asset.fetchFile({ url }); const parsedStep = await bitbybit.occt.io.loadSTEPorIGES({ assetFile: stepFile, adjustZtoY: true, }); const scaledShape = await bitbybit.occt.transforms.scale({ shape: parsedStep, factor: 0.01 }); const textOptions = new Bit.Advanced.Text3D.Text3DDto(); textOptions.text = "Rentschler Engineering"; textOptions.fontSize = 0.4; textOptions.height = 0.1; textOptions.origin = [0, 0.25, -2]; const textShape = await bitbybit.advanced.text3d.create(textOptions); shapesToCleanUp.push(textShape.compound); const textOptions2 = new Bit.Advanced.Text3D.Text3DDto(); textOptions2.text = "ROCKS"; textOptions2.fontSize = 0.5; textOptions2.height = 0.12; textOptions2.origin = [0, 0.25, -2.6]; textOptions2.fontType = Bit.Advanced.Text3D.fontsEnum.Orbitron; const textShape2 = await bitbybit.advanced.text3d.create(textOptions2); shapesToCleanUp.push(textShape2.compound); const cover = await createCover(); shapesToCleanUp.push(cover); // Here all shapes are connected into a single compound shape that is also used during save const compound = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.compound.makeCompound({ shapes: [scaledShape, textShape.compound, textShape2.compound] }); compoundShapeWithCover = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.compound.makeCompound({ shapes: [compound, cover] }); compoundShapeWithoutCover = compound; const drawOptions = new Bit.Inputs.Draw.DrawOcctShapeOptions(); drawOptions.precision = 0.2; drawOptions.drawEdges = false; drawOptions.edgeWidth = 0.5; drawOptions.faceColour = "#333333"; bitbybit.draw.drawAnyAsync({ entity: compound, options: drawOptions }); // cover drawn separately as it looks different const drawOptions2 = new Bit.Inputs.Draw.DrawOcctShapeOptions(); drawOptions2.precision = 0.01; drawOptions2.drawEdges = true; drawOptions2.faceOpacity = 0.5; drawOptions2.edgeWidth = 0.5; drawOptions2.faceColour = "#333333"; drawOptions2.edgeColour = "#000000"; coverMesh = await bitbybit.draw.drawAnyAsync({ entity: cover, options: drawOptions2 }); await bitbybit.occt.deleteShapes({ shapes: shapesToCleanUp }); } async function createCover() { const coverHeight = 6; const cover = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.wire.createSquareWire({ size: 6.3, center: [0, coverHeight, 0], direction: [0, 1, 0] }); shapesToCleanUp.push(cover); const fillet = await bitbybit.occt.fillets.fillet2d({ shape: cover, radius: 0.1, }); shapesToCleanUp.push(fillet); const faceTop = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.face.createFaceFromWire({ shape: fillet, planar: true, }); shapesToCleanUp.push(faceTop); const extrudeSquare = await bitbybit.occt.operations.extrude({ shape: fillet, direction: [0, -coverHeight, 0], }); shapesToCleanUp.push(extrudeSquare); const sewedCover = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.shell.sewFaces({ shapes: [faceTop, extrudeSquare], tolerance: 1e-7 }); shapesToCleanUp.push(sewedCover); const filletCover = await bitbybit.occt.fillets.filletEdges({ shape: sewedCover, radius: 0.1, }); shapesToCleanUp.push(filletCover); const thickSolid = await bitbybit.occt.operations.makeThickSolidSimple({ shape: filletCover, offset: 0.04, }); return thickSolid; } function createEnvironent() { const skyboxOptions = new Bit.Inputs.BabylonScene.SkyboxDto(); skyboxOptions.blur = 0.3; bitbybit.babylon.scene.enableSkybox(skyboxOptions); const dirLightOptions = new Bit.Inputs.BabylonScene.DirectionalLightDto(); dirLightOptions.intensity = 3; bitbybit.babylon.scene.drawDirectionalLight(dirLightOptions); } async function downloadSTEPFile() { let shapeToDownload; if (isCoverVisible) { shapeToDownload = compoundShapeWithCover; } else { shapeToDownload = compoundShapeWithoutCover; } await bitbybit.occt.io.saveShapeSTEP({ shape: shapeToDownload, fileName: "model.step", adjustYtoZ: true, tryDownload: true, }); } function createGUI() { const dashboard = BABYLON.GUI.AdvancedDynamicTexture.CreateFullscreenUI("UI"); var panel = new BABYLON.GUI.StackPanel(); panel.width = "700px"; panel.height = "400px"; panel.background = "#00000055"; panel.paddingLeftInPixels = 40; panel.paddingTopInPixels = 40; panel.paddingRightInPixels = 40; panel.horizontalAlignment = BABYLON.GUI.Control.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT; panel.verticalAlignment = BABYLON.GUI.Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_TOP; dashboard.addControl(panel); var button1 = BABYLON.GUI.Button.CreateSimpleButton("ButtonDownload", "Download STEP!"); button1.width = "350px" button1.thickness = 0; button1.height = "120px"; button1.paddingTop = 30; button1.paddingBottom = 30; button1.color = "white"; button1.fontSize = 30; button1.cornerRadius = 10; button1.background = "black"; button1.onPointerUpObservable.add(() => { downloadSTEPFile(); }); panel.addControl(button1); var checkboxCover = new BABYLON.GUI.Checkbox("Cover"); checkboxCover.color = "white"; checkboxCover.fontSize = 30; checkboxCover.isChecked = isCoverVisible; checkboxCover.width = "30px"; checkboxCover.height = "30px"; checkboxCover.onIsCheckedChangedObservable.add((value) => { isCoverVisible = value; coverMesh.getChildMeshes().forEach(m => { m.isVisible = value; }); }); panel.addControl(checkboxCover); var textBlock = new BABYLON.GUI.TextBlock("Cover", "Include Cover"); textBlock.color = "white"; textBlock.height = "50px"; textBlock.paddingTop = 20; textBlock.fontSize = 30; panel.addControl(textBlock); } createGUI(); createEnvironent(); start();