TypeScript example of OCCT wires to JSCAD

TypeScript example of OCCT wires to JSCAD script details
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Date Created
Feb 26, 2024, 2:11:30 PM
Last Edit Date
Mar 1, 2024, 7:15:38 AM

Script Details

The Code
const start = async () => { const compoundWires = await createCompoundShape(); const transformedCompound = await bitbybit.occt.transforms.rotate({ shape: compoundWires, angle: 90, axis: [-1, 0, 0] }); const wiresToPointsOpt = new Bit.Inputs.OCCT.WiresToPointsDto<Bit.Inputs.OCCT.TopoDSShapePointer>(); wiresToPointsOpt.shape = transformedCompound; wiresToPointsOpt.angularDeflection = 0.3; const pointsOfWiresInCompound = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.wire.wiresToPoints(wiresToPointsOpt); const jscadPaths = await bitbybit.jscad.path.createPathsFromPoints({ pointsLists: pointsOfWiresInCompound }); const vectorTextOpt = new Bit.Inputs.JSCAD.TextDto(); vectorTextOpt.xOffset = 10; vectorTextOpt.text = "DXF Export" const textVectors = await bitbybit.jscad.text.createVectorText(vectorTextOpt); const textPaths = await bitbybit.jscad.path.createPathsFromPoints({ pointsLists: textVectors }); const allPaths = [...jscadPaths, ...textPaths]; bitbybit.jscad.downloadGeometryDxf({ geometry: allPaths, fileName: "bitbybit-dxf" }); const textOffset = bitbybit.jscad.expansions.offset({ geometry: textPaths, delta: 0.3, segments: 32, corners: Bit.Inputs.JSCAD.solidCornerTypeEnum.round }); bitbybit.draw.drawAnyAsync({ entity: textOffset }); bitbybit.draw.drawAnyAsync({ entity: transformedCompound }); bitbybit.draw.drawAnyAsync({ entity: pointsOfWiresInCompound.flat() }); } async function createCompoundShape() { const filletWireDiff = await createWireWithCutouts(); const ellipse = await createWireEllipse(); const interpWire = await createWireInterpolated(); const circleWire = await createWireCircle(); return bitbybit.occt.shapes.compound.makeCompound({ shapes: [filletWireDiff, ellipse, interpWire, circleWire] }); } async function createWireInterpolated(): Promise<Bit.Inputs.OCCT.TopoDSWirePointer> { return bitbybit.occt.shapes.wire.interpolatePoints({ points: [ [5, 0, 0], [6, 0, 0], [6, 0, 6], [8, 0, 3], ], periodic: false, tolerance: 0.1, }); } async function createWireCircle(): Promise<Bit.Inputs.OCCT.TopoDSWirePointer> { return bitbybit.occt.shapes.wire.createCircleWire({ center: [0, 0, 8], direction: [0, 1, 0], radius: 2, }) } async function createWireEllipse(): Promise<Bit.Inputs.OCCT.TopoDSWirePointer> { const ellipseOpt = new Bit.Inputs.OCCT.EllipseDto(); ellipseOpt.radiusMajor = 4; return bitbybit.occt.shapes.wire.createEllipseWire(ellipseOpt) } async function createWireWithCutouts(): Promise<Bit.Inputs.OCCT.TopoDSWirePointer> { const rectOpt = new Bit.Inputs.OCCT.RectangleDto(); rectOpt.width = 5; rectOpt.length = 10; const rect = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.face.createRectangleFace(rectOpt); const rectEdge1 = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.edge.getEdge({ shape: rect, index: 2 }); const rectEdge2 = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.edge.getEdge({ shape: rect, index: 4 }); const divOpt = new Bit.Inputs.OCCT.DivideDto<Bit.Inputs.OCCT.TopoDSEdgePointer>(rectEdge1); divOpt.nrOfDivisions = 5; const points1 = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.edge.divideEdgeByEqualDistanceToPoints(divOpt); divOpt.shape = rectEdge2; const points2 = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.edge.divideEdgeByEqualDistanceToPoints(divOpt); const allPoints = [...points1, ...points2]; const circleOpt = new Bit.Inputs.OCCT.CircleDto(); circleOpt.direction = [0, 1, 0]; circleOpt.radius = 0.5; const circles = await Promise.all(allPoints.map(pt => { circleOpt.center = pt; return bitbybit.occt.shapes.face.createCircleFace(circleOpt); })); const diff = await bitbybit.occt.booleans.difference({ shape: rect, shapes: circles, keepEdges: false }); const wireDiff = await bitbybit.occt.shapes.wire.getWire({ shape: diff, index: 0 }); return bitbybit.occt.fillets.fillet2d({ shape: wireDiff, radius: 0.2 }); } start();