TypeScript editor example

TypeScript editor example script details
Rete logo image
App Version
Date Created
Sep 10, 2024, 10:41:36 AM
Last Edit Date
Sep 14, 2024, 4:41:23 AM

Script Details

The Code
{ "id": "rete-v2-json", "nodes": { "35ea8860176ceb8a": { "id": "35ea8860176ceb8a", "name": "bitbybit.code.typeScriptEditor", "async": true, "drawable": true, "data": { "genericNodeData": { "hide": false, "oneOnOne": false, "flatten": 0, "forceExecution": true }, "options": { "width": 897, "height": 522 }, "code": { "code": "// DO NOT REMOVE THIS FUNCTION\nconst start35ea8860176ceb8a = async (inputs: {\n color1: string,\n color2: string,\n position: [number, number, number],\n nrParticles: number\n}, index: number) => {\n // ADD YOUR CODE HERE\n const scene = bitbybit.babylon.scene.getScene();\n if (index === 0) {\n scene.particleSystems.forEach(ps => ps.stop());\n }\n\n // Create a particle system\n var particleSystem = new BABYLON.ParticleSystem(\"particles\" + index, inputs.nrParticles, scene);\n particleSystem.id = \"my-particles-\" + index;\n //Texture of each particle\n particleSystem.particleTexture = new BABYLON.Texture(\"https://playground.babylonjs.com/textures/flare.png\", scene);\n\n // Where the particles come from\n particleSystem.emitter = new BABYLON.Vector3(...inputs.position); // the starting location\n\n // Colors of all particles\n const color1 = BABYLON.Color3.FromHexString(inputs.color1);\n const color2 = BABYLON.Color3.FromHexString(inputs.color2);\n\n particleSystem.color1 = new BABYLON.Color4(color1.r, color1.g, color1.b, 1.0);\n particleSystem.color2 = new BABYLON.Color4(color2.r, color2.g, color2.b, 1.0);\n particleSystem.colorDead = new BABYLON.Color4(0, 0, 0.2, 0.0);\n\n // Size of each particle (random between...\n particleSystem.minSize = 0.1;\n particleSystem.maxSize = 0.5;\n\n // Life time of each particle (random between...\n particleSystem.minLifeTime = 0.3;\n particleSystem.maxLifeTime = 1.5;\n\n // Emission rate\n particleSystem.emitRate = 1000;\n\n /******* Emission Space ********/\n particleSystem.createDirectedSphereEmitter(2, new BABYLON.Vector3(-0.5, 1, -0.5), new BABYLON.Vector3(0.5, 1, 0.5));\n\n // Speed\n particleSystem.minEmitPower = 2;\n particleSystem.maxEmitPower = 4;\n particleSystem.updateSpeed = 0.005;\n particleSystem.disposeOnStop = true;\n\n // Start the particle system\n particleSystem.start();\n return inputs;\n}" } }, "inputs": { "inputs": { "connections": [ { "node": "fd21f032624bf9ad", "output": "result", "data": {} } ] } }, "position": [ 2909.891380699121, 1375.3700267396769 ] }, "94383f27c6e7069a": { "id": "94383f27c6e7069a", "name": "bitbybit.json.createEmpty", "async": false, "drawable": false, "data": { "genericNodeData": { "hide": false, "oneOnOne": false, "flatten": 0, "forceExecution": false } }, "inputs": {}, "position": [ 410.68576942600765, 1251.0524562881528 ] }, "eb263e9922c5be1e": { "id": "eb263e9922c5be1e", "name": "bitbybit.json.setValueOnProp", "async": false, "drawable": false, "data": { "genericNodeData": { "hide": false, "oneOnOne": false, "flatten": 0, "forceExecution": false }, "property": "nrParticles" }, "inputs": { "value": { "connections": [ { "node": "d6be70106f938600", "output": "result", "data": {} } ] }, "json": { "connections": [ { "node": "94383f27c6e7069a", "output": "result", "data": {} } ] } }, "position": [ 867.7832941273158, 1339.8980028713845 ] }, "d6be70106f938600": { "id": "d6be70106f938600", "name": "bitbybit.math.numberSlider", "data": { "options": { "min": 100, "max": 3000, "step": 10, "width": 350, "updateOnDrag": false }, "number": 3000 }, "inputs": {}, "position": [ 226.41777540886915, 1504.7093107761557 ] }, "fd21f032624bf9ad": { "id": "fd21f032624bf9ad", "name": "bitbybit.json.setValueOnProp", "async": false, "drawable": false, "data": { "genericNodeData": { "hide": false, "oneOnOne": false, "flatten": 0, "forceExecution": false }, "property": "position" }, "inputs": { "value": { "connections": [ { "node": "a7e2e2379aaf7b31", "output": "result", "data": {} } ] }, "json": { "connections": [ { "node": "8199e24f86816c9c", "output": "result", "data": {} } ] } }, "position": [ 2439.473276344556, 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